Arizona Injured Workers’ Duty to Look For Work
What does an Arizona injured worker have to fulfill to meet the “good-faith effort” requirements? Meet with an experienced attorney to understand what is required of you while on light-duty status.
An employee is required to look for work when he or she is on a light-duty status and has an open Arizona workers’ compensation case. Failure to look for work within the Arizona injured worker’s restrictions could result in forfeiture of temporary disability benefits. It could also affect one’s entitlement to permanent disability benefits.
To meet the requirements of a “good-faith effort” Arizona injured workers must search for a job within their restrictions, and abstain from doing a general job search. Actual post-injury employment is good evidence of a good-faith job search as is an employee’s application for work with the defendant employer.
Some employees have so many restrictions and those restrictions are so significant that they are placed in what we refer to as the “odd‑lot” category. An “odd‑lot” employee is an employee that is so restricted that he or she really cannot perform any job.
It’s important that Arizona injured workers consult with experienced workers’ compensation attorneys. Please feel free to call our office for a free consultation. We have offices in Phoenix, Tucson, Scottsdale, Flagstaff, and Prescott Valley.
We treat our clients like family because we are family. We are the largest family-owned and operated workers’ compensation law firm in the State of Arizona. We also handle Social Security Disability cases throughout Arizona. Discuss your case with us by contacting our firm today!