What is A Non-Examining Doctor
In Social Security disability cases in Phoenix, non‑examining doctors are also known as medical experts that are typically hired by the Social Security Administration to testify in administrative hearings. They are medical doctors that testify and offer expert opinions even though they never examined the claimant personally.
The medical examiner typically examines the records sent to him or her prior to hearing. They will typically appear at the hearing and observe the person applying for benefits while that claimant testifies. They then testify after the claimant and will render opinions on whether they believe the Social Security applicant is able to work or not.
It is very important to have a knowledgeable Social Security attorney on your case because the attorney must essentially predict what that medical expert will say. That’s the easiest way for that attorney to cross-examine that medical expert, and point out the flaws in that expert’s opinions.
The good news is that in our experience, it is not a frequent occurrence to have a medical expert at the hearing. However, it does happen from time to time and Social Security claimants will be better off with an experienced attorney from Fendon Law Firm than without in a situation like this.
Fendon Law Firm is the largest family-owned Social Security and workers’ compensation law firm in the state of Arizona. Please feel free to call us for a free consultation on your Social Security or workers’ compensation case. We treat clients like family because we are family. We have offices in Phoenix, Flagstaff, Scottsdale, Tucson, and Prescott Valley.