Have You Hurt Your Back on the Job?
Arizona workers like you may not know just how impactful a back injury can be until you have suffered from one. Matt Fendon Law Group is here to help as you go through the aftermath of the incident that has left you with back pain or damage that may be debilitating.
Your back is crucial to your movement, no matter what sort of work you do. Whether you lift heavy objects or sit and type for most of your shift, you rely on your back. This is part of what makes back injuries so harmful to workers. Even mild to moderate back injuries can make it so you can no longer do certain tasks you were capable of before, like lifting heavier weights or bending in specific ways.
Severe back injuries can be even more damaging. Depending on just how much damage occurred, you may be forced to take time off of work in order to heal. You could have to go to physical therapy to recover mobility and reduce pain. In some cases, you may not be able to do the work you once did. This combination of medical expenses and a lack of paycheck can be hugely damaging.
Have you found yourself in a situation where you have been left unable to work because of the injury you received at the workplace? Consider taking a look at our web page here, which focuses on workplace injuries, back injuries received on the job, and what you can do to seek compensation in the aftermath.