Roof Work Hazards to Watch Out For
Many people in Arizona have jobs that require them to work on the high building rooftops. Working on a roof has many hazards, which is why the Occupational Safety and Health Administration has specific rules for roof workers that employers must follow. Workers can also mitigate the risks by learning about basic roof safety before starting their jobs.
There are many different types of roofs, and some roofs are much higher or steeper than others. The height and slope of a roof may determine what type of safety harness and fall protection employees should use. Fitting a roof work area with edge protection or a warning line may also help to prevent falls. A warning line may simply be a reminder to busy workers that they are getting within a certain distance of the edge.
One of the most dangerous parts of a building for roof workers is a skylight. When a worker has to do a job near a skylight, one misstep could send the worker through the glass. To prevent accidents from occurring, skylights should be fitted with some type of covering that can act as a net in case workers fall through.
Someone who has been injured while doing roof work may be able to file a workers’ compensation claim. An attorney may help an injured roof worker to pursue benefits that cover medical expenses and lost wages. If a worker suffers life-altering injuries that take away the ability to do their job permanently, legal counsel could help worker claim compensation for the loss of future income.