Secondary Injuries
A common issue in a worker’s compensation case is the injured worker attempting to get other body parts/injuries covered for treatment under the same claim. For example, if someone suffered a primary left knee injury which has received the majority of the treatment, but the right knee was also injured in the accident, and has not received any or little treatment. Another scenario, is when the left knee injury is so bad that the right knee is injured by overuse of the left extremity. Insurance carriers will fight to exclude secondary injuries such as mentioned above. That is why it is important that the injured worker makes sure his or her doctor documents his or her complaints on the secondary injuries. The injured worker should make sure these complaints are documented from when he or she initially complained of the problems — the earlier the better! If you have further questions about this issue or any other Arizona worker’s compensation issues, please contact Fendon Law Firm, P.C. – 602-842-1133.