What to Do When a Workers' Compensation Claim is Denied
Most employers in Arizona and throughout the country are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance. Workers’ compensation benefits help to pay medical bills that a worker incurs after getting hurt on the job. It may also help a worker recoup a portion of his or her lost wages after experiencing an injury. There is a possibility that a workers’ compensation claim will be denied, but injured workers are generally able to appeal that decision to state authorities.
Applications may be denied because they were not filed in a timely manner or because an employer was not notified about the injury in a timely manner. An employer may dispute that the injury occurred because of something that happened at work. Claims could be denied because the evidence doesn’t establish that an injury happened at work or because there is evidence of negligence on a worker’s behalf.
Individuals who receive a denial letter should be informed of the exact reason why the claim was denied as well as the deadline for filing an appeal. It is a good idea to present medical records or other evidence that may help prove a worker’s assertion that an injury occurred at work. For instance, submitting the results of a recent medical exam may serve as proof of an on-the-job injury.
A person who is hurt at work may be entitled to financial assistance from an employer’s workers’ compensation insurance company. An attorney may be able to help a person obtain payment for medical bills incurred because of a neck, back or leg injury. Those who get sick while performing services for an employer may also be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. Legal counsel may help a person appeal a denied workers compensation claim.