One key advantage of workers’ compensation claims is that they generally avoid the need to go to court to receive compensation if you are injured in a work-related accident or develop a work-related chronic medical condition. Sometimes, however, during settlement…
Suffering an ankle injury can affect your ability to make a living, and medical treatment can be costly. Fortunately, work-related ankle injuries are compensable with Arizona workers’ compensation benefits. Payouts for a workers’ comp ankle injury settlement range from $1,000…
If you have a workers’ compensation claim as an injured worker, we understand that you will want to know how much you can expect to receive in monthly workers’ compensation insurance benefits. This is where a workers’ comp settlement chart…
Overexertion injuries are among the most common workplace injuries in the United States, of which knee injuries make up a significant portion. Evidence suggests that about one of every eight workplace injuries is a knee injury. The same evidence indicates…