It is important when taking on a Social Security Disability case to meet with the client. There are many Social Security law firms in Arizona where the client does not meet the attorney until the date of the hearing. At…
Under the Arizona Workers’ Compensation system, employees who are hurt in the course and scope of their employment are covered. However, many times a claim for workers’ compensation may be denied because of the employer’s assertion that the employee was…
In Phoenix, insurance adjusters will frequently try to terminate an injured worker’s benefits retroactive more than 30 days. This is illegal in Arizona as it is a violation of Industrial Commission of Arizona rules. An Arizona workers’ compensation insurance carrier can only…
I had a hearing this morning about a loss of earning capacity issue at the Industrial Commission of Arizona. Loss of earning capacity cases typically involve an Arizona injured worker who has suffered typically a back, shoulder, head, hip or…
In Arizona, an injured worker with a compensable claim is entitled to coverage for “medical, surgical and hospital benefits or other treatment, nursing, medicine, surgical supplies, crutches and other apparatus, including artificial members, reasonably required at the time of the injury, and…
In Arizona, when you are on light duty and have an open workers’ compensation case, you are required to make a “good-faith effort” to look for work. For example, an injured worker in Phoenix must look for work within their work restrictions….